Dave Armstrong

Dave Armstrong (19)

Sabbatical: Week Three

This week overall was one where I spent as much time recovering from things I've done as actually doing things. There were many chores - fixing lights in the kitchen, fixing the child's car, driving people around due to having one less car, a snowstorm…

Sabbatical: Week Two

Last week, I said this week was going to be spent with family... and that was true, but we did it in fast mode, with my parents coming into town one day, doing an early christmas the next day, and departing the next morning. It…

Sabbatical: Week One

November was a month of bad things. I was laid off. So was most of my team. We had another death in the family. I have feelings about all of that, but this is not the place for them - Instead, this is the place…

One week into VR Coding

... and it has lost the excitement. The problem is that I've learned just enough to get myself into situations that are harder to troubleshoot. I'm trying to code adjustments to the physics of thrown objects such that they depart from realistic physics in ways…

Playing Unity app on Meta Quest 3 Headset

My biggest challenge so far in learning Unity VR coding was getting my dev-in-progress to render on the Meta Quest 3 headset when I play the game in the Unity editor. The info on the web makes it sound easy, and it is, but it…

Starting VR Dev

I am starting to learn VR dev in order to create my own workout games for the long cold Wisconsin winters. And I'm having a blast doing it. Bringing 30 years of software experience onto a new platform, learning, creating, without any pressure to do…

What is “good” software?

Good software does the following: You will note that my list of criteria for good software says nothing about the quality of the code or other technology used to build it. That is a deliberate omission. Good engineering does matter - it supports the points…

Building a positive environment for building software

Lets start with why a positive environment for building the software matters. Prior posts explain that that the core business is everything other than the software, and the software is just a tool, but that should not diminish the importance put upon building a team…